Fabulous Food Friday: Silicone Mickey cupcake molds
Welcome to this week’s edition of Fabulous Food Friday! Today we are going to talk about Mickey housewares. Or more specifically, the silicone cupcake molds available for purchase at Disney World. Every visit to Disney Chris and I scour the stores looking for a cool new gadget, toy, or household item to add to our ever growing list of Mickey memorabilia. Kitchenware is one of our favorites and we have a long list of Mickey inspired kitchen items – potholders, dishtowels, cutting boards, ice cube trays, and even a silicone Mickey cupcake molds.
I have to admit the first time I tried it I was less than thrilled. I made actual cupcakes in the mold. The Mickey one suffered the same fate as every other silicone cupcake mold I have – there is no good way to store the final product. They don’t make specialty shape muffin liners and I didn’t want to ice around the whole exterior (how would you hold it?) Oh well, I thought, it was a cute idea but I should have known better!
Then the internet came to my rescue! Wandering around other Disney blogs I came across a post about the large Mickey head silicone pan. My first thought was, “I am not falling for that again!” But when I thought about it some more I realized a cake is totally different than a cupcake. I continued to read this blog post and found out one of the uses that the writer had found for it was Mickey shaped Rice Krispie treats. I had to try! I had to see if it worked in the cupcake pans.
That is how today’s Fabulous Food Friday was born. So today, I made a batch of Rice Krispie treats and put them into the molds. I think they came out pretty cute. My fear that they would stick to the pan and fall apart were completely unfounded. I will admit, it is a 6 cavity mold so if you are trying to make a lot of these cute little guys, it could take a while. Maybe I was too harsh on my poor little cupcake mold the first time around. Maybe cupcakes aren’t his forte but I just might get some cute little mini-Mickey head cakes out of it. And until I try, I have some Rice Krispie treats to enjoy (unless the kids get to them first!)
And to the owner of the post, I would gladly give credit where credit is due – if I could remember where it was that I read it! If it was you or you know who it was, please let me know I would love to give you a shout out to let everyone know that we Disney fans stick together!