Ask Mel Wednesday: Oh no, where are my Disney tickets?
I have had this question about Disney tickets come up several times recently and so I thought I would answer it here too. Having been to Disney World so many times myself there are certain things that I take for granted but if it is your first visit or you travel infrequently this is a great question! (Please note that Disneyland works a little differently, this question and answer is specifically for Disney World!)
Question: We have gotten a lot of information from Disney but when do we receive our park tickets?

A sampling of the keys you will get when you check into a Disney resort. It will function as your hotel room key, your park admission, and your dining card!
Answer: This depends on the type of reservation that you have. Now, if you have received a lot of information from Disney, this usually means that you have booked a vacation package through Disney – including a hotel room, park tickets, and possibly even dining. If you have a vacation package, then you will get all sorts of goodies in the mail from Disney, but your park tickets will not be amongst the loot. When you check into your resort you will get something called a “Key To The World” card (KTTW card). This card has everything you need for your vacation – it will serve as your room key, your park admission, your dining is attached to that card and it even gives you charging privileges (for the adults).
If you are staying off property and pre-purchased your Disney tickets and you selected to have them mailed, then you should have received them in the mail. If you haven’t received them 2 weeks before your travel contact your travel agent or Disney directly. Make sure you have the confirmation number from the purchase of your tickets. If you opted to pick your tickets up at will call, then you will not receive anything in the mail. You will need to take you receipt (with confirmation number) and the credit card you used to purchase them to any will call window and you will receive your tickets there.
I hope that helps clear up some of the panic of “Where are my tickets?” – and as always, if you have a question you would like answered, just Ask Mel!
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