Tip Time Tuesday: What’s the weather?
As I racked my brain trying to think of today’s tip I had one of the songs my son sings stuck in my head, “What’s the Weather?” Funny how that catchy little tune could prompt an entire T3 post! It sounds silly. It sounds like common sense. Check the weather forecast for Orlando (or your Disney destination) BEFORE you leave for vacation! Not sure where to find it – there is a tab right on this page “Disney Weather” that gives you the information you need. Yes, weather can change, but checking the forecast before you pack at least gives you a good place to start on what to bring!
I have had many people tell me that they only packed shorts and t-shirts for a trip in the winter. Their reasoning, “It’s Florida!” Exactly, it is Florida, not a climate controlled bubble. It can get cold, rainy, and I have even traveled during a freeze. By checking the weather at Disney before you leave you can tell if you should bring a couple of sweatshirts or if tank tops are the order of the day.